Chester students help prepare Green Expo

The Chester and District Standard reports that four undergraduate students from the University of Chester have become involved in the organisation of Chester’s Green Expo 2024.

Rio Owen, Ethan Green, Israt Mahmud Efti and Reece Kerekes will be providing the time to make sure a series of events go smoothly. Green Expo 2024’s project director, Jane Harrad-Roberts, said about this:

“I’m really looking forward to working with the students and everyone on creating fantastic events for Chester and the Northwest. I know the potential students have and the skills they can bring to a project like this.”

The Green Expo Youth Conference will be held on Friday, June 14 for school and college students to engage with local employers about green jobs and take part in workshops. Grosvenor Park will then host the exposition itself as part of Chester Green Weekend on June 15–16, and this will be free for anyone to attend. A photo competition is also open for people of all abilities and ages to submit entries by May 31, with the focus being on positive environmental developments in the area. Finally, an awards dinner will take place in the autumn to recognise outstanding green achievements.

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